Case Study: Well Performance Trending at Origin Energy
Production engineers are challenged on a daily basis with analyzing well performance. Due to disparate, non-integrated data sources, this task can be very difficult and time-consuming.
Utilizing Seeq, engineers at Oil and Gas companies, such as Origin Energy in Australia, can now integrate data from various data sources in order to view them in one interface. This allows engineers to quickly and easily analyze the data and draw better, quicker conclusions. Seeq also allows users to build a custom asset structure. This can be very useful in easily comparing the performance of various wells and scaling out calculations and analyses. Calculations can be easily performed while visualizing data to compare different wells. Seeq, powered by AWS, enables Origin Energy to scale up quickly to monitor hundreds of wells to analyze well integrity over time – from past data, current information, as well as predicting future performance.
Seeq’s Well Performance Trending allows faster focus on operating problems, which leads to better production, lower energy and chemical costs, improved safety, and lower emissions. In the long run, this also results in reduced maintenance costs, improved reliability, and improved engineer productivity. It removes the burden of data wrangling and allows engineers to spend their valuable time on more productive activities.
Data Sources
- OSIsoft PI System