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Tridiagonal Solutions
Tridiagonal Solutions, founded in 2006 is a technology company incubated out of National Chemical Laboratories (NCL) in Pune and San Antonio, USA. We focus on process optimization, manufacturing excellence and digital transformation solutions in the process industry. With a strong process know-how, combination of skill sets such as domain Engg. / SMEs, data Scientists, process control & optimization engineers, etc., our 300+ consultants support technical services / process technologists, plant operations and digital teams globally with our breadth and depth of services and solutions. We have successfully implemented advanced solutions (AI-ML, Deep-learning based process optimization and control, advanced modeling and simulation) in the process industry verticals like Oil & Gas, Pet Chemicals, Pharma, Food, Metals & Mining, Cement, etc.
Focus areas: Process Control Optimization (AI-based Process control), Energy Optimization (PEMS, OPEX based 1-2), Process Simulation (Steady State Dynamic OTS), Process Data Analytics (Time-series Data), Advanced analytics such as Hybrid modeling, Soft Sensors, Digital Twin, Data Science/Generative AI, Digital Transformation and Execution Consulting (Dx-Ex), IT-OT integration (Historian, Data Integration and Data Lake), etc.