- Egypt
- Chemicals & Petrochemicals
- Metals, Mining, & Materials
- Oil & Gas
- Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences
- Process Industries
NOZOM is located in Cairo – Egypt stablished on 2012. Focusing on the Operation Technology (OT), extracting the data from different sources within the manufacturing plants (e.g. DCS, SCADA, LIMS, ERP, EAMS), building the thermodynamic KPIs based on well-known first principal equations of different assets (e.g. Gas Compressors, Gas Turbines, Steam Turbines, Boilers, Heat Exchangers, Pumps, ESP, Sucker Rod Pumps, Fan, Cooling Towers, Distillation Columns,..). Moreover, with using SEEQ Platforms, NOZOM use the extracted data to build Multivariate Predictive Analysis Models by using Data Science and Machine Learning Methodologies. The MVA models can be used as predictive analysis of performance for critical assets and process units and can target the asset integrity and process optimization