Evaluation of Operation of Facility


Highly-efficient and improved facility operations require the management of chemical and energy usage to ensure that both air and water quality meet goals while minimizing cost. It can be difficult to attain this level of productivity within a comfortable working environment while avoiding the excessive use of chemicals and energy. Excess chemical use and energy consumption mean reduced profits. Solutions are necessary to allow for maximum operation efficiency.


Seeq software allows you to rapidly perform calculations, and both quickly and efficiently understand changes in performance across the entire facility. Additionally, it enables the user to visualize and analyze process variables and metrics in an interactive and iterative way. This allows operators to determine the causes of performance changes, and to adjust their process accordingly for maximum productivity.


Seeq facilitates faster detection of poor water and air quality, so that responses can happen sooner, saving time and money. It also allows for rapid detection of increased cost of operations due to excessive chemical or energy use, providing users with the knowledge of how and when their facility is able to operate at its best.

Summarizing Results

For users evaluating the efficiency of their facility, ensuring proper calculations, quality analysis, and data comparison are critical to process improvement opportunities. Utilizing Seeq provides a significant reduction in human error, effort and required time, while offering rapid evaluation and performance of cost data and simple adoption across large numbers of engineers.